All Managers Team Managers will be required to collect team equipment on the Tuesday 7th March 2023 at FNA, meet near court 24 at 5-30 pm to 7.00 pm. More details will be advised via email. Should you be unable to collect the bags on this date then, Managers must arrange for another parent to do so in their place and advise their team coach. Equipment Return at end of the Season - Tuesday 19th September - Times to be confirmed.
Balls at game, pumped up, at least 20-30min before game. If absent make sure somebody else has game bag and balls
Scorecards must accurately list players on the court or on the bench ONLY. Please delete additional names or add extra names for fill in players before the game starts (you can make changes up until the end of the second quarter EXCEPT in SA1)
Players not registered with the club must purchase a game day voucher from the office and put it with the scorecard
Players not registered with the club but who are intending to register and pay full fees can be listed on the back of the score card and do not require a game day voucher
Please do not approach umpires at any time
Please go to the office for any umpiring or opposition coach/parent issues that you may experience if/when they occur and request assistance from an FNA representative
Please ensure ALL injuries are referred to the FNA First Aid room (this is a requirement for insurance purposes should athletes require further treatment)
Please ensure that scorecard is submitted to the office at the end of the game (winning team normally does this)
Ensure warm up balls and game ball pumped up
Check fixtures to see which team scores and which team times for duty for game day. Team that is mentioned first scores, team mentioned second times
Distribute and update contact list
Look after equipment at training and games
Ensure first aid box is equipped & contact the Property Coordinator if anything required
Look after bibs- training and game sets
Set timing/scoring roster for players
Support coach if they are having difficulty with a player or parent, particularly if your coach is a junior coach as adults please take the responsibility to assist or step in and always contact your CDC representative
Administrative duties as requested e.g. wind up attendance
Give reminders about checking emails/ general upcoming business